AAA Fingerprinting

I am able fingerprint people or notarize documents almost every day of the week!! Feel free to leave Val a message at 701-509-8491 and I will return your call as soon as possible to get you scheduled.
Call or text Val at 701-509-8491 for an appointment!
I offer rolled INK Fingerprinting ONLY, NO LIVESCAN, on FD-258 Standard Blue FBI Applicant Cards. (Again- NO LIVESCAN)
There may be times when I cannot answer my phone and can only correspond with you via text, but I will respond to you in a short amount of time.
I try to fingerprint people everyday of the week and take appointments as early at 4:00 pm or later. If you set an appointment with me, please be courteous and be on time as there may be clients scheduled right after your appointment.
If weekdays do not work with your schedule, then text me and I can print you on the weekend.

Fingerprinting Prices:
AAA Fingerprinting does NOT provide Livescan printing, ONLY Rolled Ink Prints
2 sets of prints on standard FD-258 FBI CARDS: $40 Cash Only
1 set of prints on a standard FD-258 FBI CARD: $25 Cash Only
In addition to fingerprinting my clients, I will:
Complete a Verification of your Photo Identification Form
Provide you with a Receipt
Place Completed Cards and Verification Form into a SEALED envelope to be placed in the mail by customer.
IDENTIFICATION: Must provide a CURRENT government issued photo ID.
Ex. Driver's License, Passport, Military ID
No photocopies will be accepted and I will not accept
pictures of your identification on your phone
I also provide Notary Services!!
Cost- $5.00/Stamp
AAA Fingerprinting is located in the Carrie Francis Law Office. We are across the street from the Adult Learning Center, across the street from Loaf n' Jug and kitty-corner from Oak Park.
Address: 1602 4th Ave NW Minot, ND 58703

Call or Text Val Today at:

I graduated from Minot State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. I started fingerprinting individuals over 25 years ago when I was employed for the Ward County Sheriff's Department. Since that time I have worked for the North Dakota Supreme Court specializing in the area of Juvenile Drug Courts. I also worked for the North Dakota Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Minot Parole and Probation Office where I investigated people convicted of crimes to compile pre-sentence investigation reports and supervised adult offenders who had been sentenced to parole and probation. I have strong relationships with law enforcement agencies within North Dakota, more specifically in the City of Minot, North Dakota.
Thank you for Choosing AAA Fingerprinting
and I Appreciate your Business.
Val Potter
I have provided fingerprints on individuals for the following:
ND Nursing Licensures (as well as other State Nursing Boards)
ND Social Work Licensures
ND Real Estate Commission
ND Insurance Commission
ND Medical Marijuana Caregivers
Daycare Employees
Name Changes
ND Education and Standards Board (ESPB)
ND Imaging Board
Respiratory Therapy
Coaching/Staff positions at Schools
Suppressors/Concealed Weapons Permits (North Dakota & other States)
Record Expungements
Appeal on Firearm Denials
Foster and Adoptions/Guardianships
United States Post Office
Banking Jobs
Armored Car Drivers and Private Investigators
Agencies/Individuals filing Electronic Taxes
H-2A Visa Program for Temporary Workers/Immigration
Due to Federal Guidelines I am not able to fingerprint individuals for TSA Background Checks for Airlines and Hazardous Materials Licenses